Friday, August 14, 2009

Fun Shots - Havasu

When ever you get your family together there are bound to be some great opportunities for some nice and unique candid shots. This post is dedicated to those shots. Note this is only a taste and not all of them.

My daughter took this shot of me for our slide show. I wanted a shot of people eating breakfast one morning and had her take one of me. Great job sweetheart, you defiantly captured me.

Yep, here is the one person who keeps me in-line, the apple to my eye, the blue to my berry, the road to my apple, and the thorn to my A$$ (sorry dear).

Here are just a couple of the critters that wondered about.


  1. Love the hair toss and the serious horseshoe player! You look good yourself! :)

  2. From the pancake bite, to the backup dancers, the water shot of the hair to the kung foo master of the horse shoes, just the great shots,, moments you captured,...... its no wonder that everyone wants to go,..every year! We have such a great time! and we're soooo lucky you are able to catch most of it....thank you...
