With these two following teams that makes 7 out of 15 teams covered for action shots. Not even half-way done yet. I was hoping to get another game shot on Sunday but needed to stay home while my wife went out and spent some time with our daughter. I needed to rest anyways and just spent the time going through these shots and putting together a new BoxFlex I bought.
Well enough of that, now back to the games. This first game was a boys U10 game followed by a boys U9 game. Both of these games were in the afternoon with harsh light, which made positioning and shadows rough. There were also a lot of parents out, which made locations where I could shoot from limited. I sat while shooting both of these games to maintain a low perspective, which adds a lot of impact to the action.
All of these were shot with the beast (300 f/2.8) and my camera set at aperture priority at f/2.8. I had the ISO at 100, which gave me a shutter speed of 1/3200 - 1/5000.