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This is my third game with Lakewood. Without additional equipment, such as strobes or off-camera flashes, this will be the best that I will get. All in all I'm happy with my results and the action I'm capturing, only wish the lighting could be a little better giving me a faster shutter, but we do with what we have.
Another great game to watch and shoot. This game came down to the last couple of seconds and was won on free-throws. The game was tied at the end of regulation time and went into a 4 minute overtime. It went back and fourth to the last 3 seconds with Compton, who was up by one point, fouling Lakewood. Lakewood took the ball to the free-throw line needing both to win the game. Two shots with both going in the bucket giving the Lakewood the win with only 3 second left. Compton made a quick drive but failed to draw a foul or bucket.
Here are a few of my favorite shots from this game.

For these last two shots I tried something different. I used my 24-70, which I had zoomed out all the way to give me as wide a shot as possible. On this first one I positioned myself just outside of the key to give me a nice angle with the stands in the background. For the last shot I was just below the basket against the wall. I was initially concerned that the ref's wouldn't let me position myself there, but I guess since I shot these straight and without a flash they just left me alone.
Both of these were taken in manual mode at f/2.8, ISO 3200, and 1/250 (no flash used). The slower shutter did give me some motion blur, which doesn't look to bad at this wide shot. If I were to zoom in then the picture would be just too blured.