It has been a very long time since I've photographed t-ball, and boy did I miss it. This is my roots, this is where I began photographing sports action and have been away from it for far too long.
I was talking to a good friend of mine, who photograph's sports action at the college level in the New York area and t-ball came up. Probably because I just got back from taking these pictures. Any hoot, part of the conversation went towards the lack of action at this level and age and let's face it, that's why most people get into photographing sports action, for the "ACTION". Well taking these shots really brought back some great memories and reminded me as to why I started shooting sports in the first place, for these little guys. And of course that goes for the little girls as well.
Now to the pictures. This young man is my nephew, well maybe not biologically, but his dad and I have been friends since the first grade and his kids call me uncle as my do him. So I look at them and him as part of my family. So once I found out he was playing t-ball I found out when he was playing and went out to get some shots of him.
So with all of that said, let me introduce "Daniel" to you.

I really liked both of the following shots for different reasons and really couldn't pick a favorite, so I'm posting both.

Can you say "Smile"?