Finally I have the opportunity to get caught up on my blog and post some shots from our recent family vacation to Lake Havasu.
I've been back for almost a week and a half, am back at work, and still not finished editing all of the pictures I've taken during the trip.
This year we left for Lake Havasu on a Monday as that was the only time we could get the rooms we wanted for all four familys that went. We had a wonderful time relaxing and enjoying all the company. Of course I brought my gear and took all of the tube / wake board / knee board action shots I could, which you will see below.
For any of you who think taking action shots while on the back of a boat moving from side to side and hitting every wave in the lake is easy, THINK AGAIN. Although you'll find some great action shots (at least in my opinion) here, they were tough to come by, but don't let that fool you, I enjoyed every second of it :)
This first group of shots are of various tube action.

This last set of tube action shots needs a story to go with. The young lady in the following 5 pictures is my daughter, who really didn't want to go for a tube ride. I ended up talking her into getting on the tube, but made sure the driver (her uncle) would only go slow. We'll as you can see that didn't go to well for her. Although we did go slow, she ended up going out of our boats wake and hit another wake, which launched the tube upward (FIRST SHOT). The following 4 shots shows how the landing when. She was launched upward in a bucking motion, which caused the front end to land while throwing her legs up and over her. Her feet actually hit her in the back of the head (OMG). She maintained her death grip as her legs then rebounded off of her and into the air, at which point she let go. I really didn't like how it looked while looking through my lens and knew it didn't go well for her. We immediatly turned the boat around to get her and found her scared and crying. I felt so terrible for my sweetheart as it was I who talked her into taking this ride, but I did get the shots sweetheart and you did have the best air and crash for the trip. Love you.

Next we have some wake board action

And finally there's some knee board shots. These first few are of my son, who started his first year of college. In fact both him and I ended up leaving one day early to get him home for his first day of college.