Now for some shots taken along the water.
Marbled Godwit
Belted Kingfisher
Snowy Egret
What would a trip to the wet lands be without some sunset shots. Love the color we've been getting in the evenings.
Now for some shots taken along the water.
Marbled Godwit
Belted Kingfisher
Snowy Egret
What would a trip to the wet lands be without some sunset shots. Love the color we've been getting in the evenings.
Loved how this lone palm tree stood out against the yellow and red background, especially as seen through the 300.
Now this next series of shots begin on the following morning. During the evening prior the wife and I met a gentleman who said there were a few long eared owls who frequent the heron's nesting area and that they can usually be seen suning as the sun comes up. So I woke up early and headed back to the wet lands so that I could be in position as the sun rised.
Sure enough as I approached the area I saw two rather large long eared owls perched at a heron nest. As a matter of fact one of the owls was actually in the heron's nest, which I found somewhat odd. Though I found what I was looking for I was unable to document it with pictures as it was still much to dark. So as I waited for the sun to come up one of the owls was so kind to fly to a group of branches in front of me, which put him between me and the sunrise. Knowing that when shooting wildlife you need to take shots when given the opportunity, as you never know when the subject your shooting is going to take flight or leave, I took a quick shot (which you see below). It was good thing I took this as soon after he flew off into the trees.