First let me wish everyone a great 4th of July. I plan on spending the day with family enjoying a bbq and local fireworks in the evening.
Now if you read my prior post you know I headed out to the wetlands on Saturday in an attempt to get some shots of the black skimmers, which didn't work out. I did get some great shots of the Caspian Terns, but no skimmers. Well since I was enjoying a nice 3-day weekend, something I don't get a lot of, I thought I make another attempt at the wetlands for the skimmers. I was still dissapointed with the lack of skimmers, but was able to get a few nice shots of them and it was the perfect morning to take them. The sum was coming up on a cloudless morning with mirrored water. Perfect morning to be out.
After spending some time getting some shots of the skimmers I walked to the mid-area of the wetlands to get some shots of the Caspian Terns feeding and again I wasn't dissapointed. Although I didn't stay at this location long as I wanted to walk further into the wetlands to see what else I could find. I did see and take a few pictures of a red tailed hawk and peregin falcon, although I wasn't happy with the quality and won't be posting those.
Prior to leaving I made another stop where the terns were feeding as was able to get some shots of a tern feeding her chick, which I thought was very cool and hopefully you will as well. So enjoy the shots and enjoy the 4th with your family.
I'll start with a few of the black skimmers.

These next two shots are actually two different shots from two different series.

A few various other shots I took during the morning.

Unknown spider, have I told you I hate spiders, although I thought this was a cool shot.