A few shots I thought had that b&w look to them.
Today I'm going to talk about the non-action shot. Although football (especially high school football) is packed with non-stop action full of big hits and bigger plays, it's also full of kids giving it everything they have to win a game. Whatever their reason (hopeful college recruitment / school pride / cross-town rivals / or simply for the love of the game) they get suited up each and every Friday night to play. Just prior to each play each athlete on the field gets set for the play to come. On offense they know their assignment and where the ball is going, they've identified their target and are ready to eliminate them to move the ball. On defense their watching the ball and reading the play. For them it's all about anticipation and knowing their opponent. Now I can't tell you what's going on in their minds prior to the ball snap, but I try to capture a shot that shows their intensity (without the action) and especially their focus. The below shots I hope display this and gives you something to strive for when shooting football at any level.
Our defense was really getting through Cabrillo's offensive line so when Cabillo had the ball I would position myself down field behind the line of scrimmage to capture the D-line rushing. In the below shot of #71 he initially made the hit on the quarterback and while attempting to bring him down got ahold of the ball and ran it in for a touch down.