Just warming up the lens with this littley guy.
After waiting for about 45 min's the hawk finally decided to make a dive to his nest. He simply folded those wings in and came in fast. I have to say this was pretty cool to watch
Of course I had to have a few shots of the light house.
This last one was taken at twilight as the light in the light house became active.
Just as we were about to leave I saw this along the property line of two homes and thought it would make a nice picture for Paige.
We continued along the coast looking at homes we could only dream of living in when we arrived at the San Vicente Lighthouse. Paige was excited to see the lighthouse and was surprised we had any out here. So we explored the area enjohing the view and taking pictures. Paige is a lot like me in regards to having her pictures takin. Usually we don't like our pictues and as a result tend to avoid having it taken, but I was able to get some shots of her and I do have to say I think they came out great.
What would I be if I didn't take a few senic shots of the area. I will say that while we were there I did see a rather large hawk (thinking red tail - not sure) flying along the cliffs and the whole time I was wishing I brought my 300 for some shots. I could have taken some awesome shots. I will come back to get them though, so keep your eyes open for that post.