Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Southern California Special Olympic Summer Games

Every June the Special Olympics virtually take over Cal State University Long Beach to hold the Southern California Summer Games and this year was no exception.
I look forward to this each and every year, well at least for the last 4 years, as I volunteer my passion as a sports action photography to cover their games.  I find that at the end of the day my jaw is sore from smiling all day long.  I mean how can you not smile and get caught up in the excitement and action as these athletes compete.  As you look through this post look at the faces of the athletes and you'll see one thing in common, they show excitement in each and every smile.

I signed up to cover the games all day Saturday and Sunday from the opening ceremony to the closing ceremony, so on Saturday morning at about 8:45am I reported to the media tent to check in and receive my credentials.  Needless to say I was very surprised that on the my pass were three pictures that I took during last year's summer games.  I wasn't sure if they personalized each person's media pass until later in the day as I started to see that all the media passes had my pictures on them.  Simply put, I was honored they used my shots for all passes.

I'll start with some shots of the opening ceremony, parade of athletes, and the torch run.

For Saturday I was assigned to cover basketball and track.  Since the morning was still overcast I decided to head in doors to cover basketball first in hopes that the sun will soon show its bright face when I head back out to cover track, which it did : )

For Sunday I was given the assignment to cover Bocce ball and Gymnastics.

And in closing here are a couple of shots of two athletes injoying closing celebrations.

1 comment:

  1. As always, these are solid!!! I love the emotion you captured!

    I'm so disappointed I couldn't connect with you over the weekend.

    Hopefully, on the next trip.
