Monday, October 7, 2013

Lakewood Varsity Football vs Wilson

Although Lakewood dominated this game, it was a rough one for me.  I had to work prior to the game and knew I was coming down with something.  Everything was pointing at the flu, but either way I felt I could still cover the game.  So after work I drove home, got my gear, and headed out to Wilson High for some football.
Since I wasn't feeling all there I did something I just don't do.  I stood up the whole game.  Now for some that might not seem like a big deal, but for me I never stand up and always kneel and get low when shooting.
Now back to the action.  Although Lakewood just dominated, I simply had a hard time getting into the game and spent a lot of time simply taking sportraits and non action type shots.
Now after sitting at home the last few days feeling like poo I finally got it all together for this post, so enjoy some of my favorites from the game.


  1. I love these. I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm going to make my attempt at football this week. Fingers crossed!

  2. Thanks Cynthia and I am feeling better, I do hope to be back out there this Thursday shooting the action.
