While sharing some recent sunset shots on facebook a few days ago it was suggested I take some sunrises, so yesterday I go up way to early and headed out to Huntington Beach for a sunrise, but while driving out there I really didn't see any cloud cover that would offer me a nice sunrise, so instead I drove to the Bolsa Chica Wetlands. Thought I'd get some early bird photography in since I was already out.
While walking out to the middle of the wetlands prior to the sun rising I thought I'd do my sunset shot after all. Its not what I started out to get, but it will have to do.
After the sun came up and warmed me up a bit I took a few shots of a snowy white before heading out to Seal Beach to check on the surf.
Got to Seal Beach and the waves looked good with a lot of surfers out, so I hung out for awhile and took some shots. It was a great morning and I was glad I woke up as early as I did to get out. Normally I don't do mornings well, but this was perfect.