With football over I am now able to focus on my other photography passions and one of those are my sunsets, especially those at both Huntington Beach and Seal Beach.
These first three shots were taken at Huntington Beach during mid Novemeber and are HDR. Three shots were taken at an exposure of +2 / 0 / -2 and combined in Photomatix. The shots were then edited and process in both Lightroom and Photoshop.
This next set of shots were taken at Seal Beach and only one of them I did by HDR. Can you guess which one. I've had a Graduated Neutral Density filter for some time now, but never used it, so I thought I should break it out and give a play. Although I did take the same three exposed shots (+2 / 0 /-2) I only processed one of them for my edit. Still learning and playing.
So again I ask - what shot was processed as an HDR?