Mpix is a website I frequent not just for their outstanding photo services but also their forum, where I have become know as the unoffical sports expert. Don't get me wrong, I'd never claim to know all there is to know about sports photography and there are a few other's on the forum who take outstanding action shots, but I've been there longer and have helped out many who have had questions about photographing sports action.
In the later part of 2007 the forum put together a photo contest for the best photo of 2007. There were eight catagories, with two being "Sports" and "B&W". Originally I thought I wouldn't enter, but then at the last minute I entered two pictures. One in "Sports" and the other in "B&W". The pictures were posted on a website, which was put together by one of the forum members, who by the way did an outstanding job. While pictures were up, members of the forum could vote on their favorite for each catagory. There were eight entries in "Sports" and I believe 34 or 36 entries in "B&W".
Well, during the first week of this new year they posted the winners and I won first place in both catagories. I am very honored to have been chosen by my peers as having the best in both catagories. All photo's entered into the contest will be made into a coffee table book, with the winners having a special place in the book. I look forward to seeing this book.
This shot won first in the b&w catagory. During a winter storm here in Southern California we had some high surf. Now I don't normally shoot surfing but have gone out and shot some kite surfing in the past. I thought with the high surf it would be a great opportunity to get some surf action, so I went to Seal Beach along the east side of the pier. Conditions were not the best once I arrived. If I shot some action down the beach then the lighting was great, although I wish I would have brought my 1.4 converter for some added range, but if I shot the action directly in front of me I had terrible back lighting. This was taken from one of those. I had some bad blown out areas and some dark areas mixed in. The picture was somewhat hazey with a dull color. Looking at the shot I tried a few things to save it and ended up with this. I converted it to b&w, increased the shadows and contrast. End result, a very cool shot.

"Over the Top"
This shot, which won in the sports catagory was taken during a high school track meet. Since my son competes in the shot put and discuss I attend all of the meets to get various track action and hopefully make a bit of money in the process. This girl is one of the better pole vaulters for the school I was shooting for and I tend to watch her, as I know I will get some great action. For this shot I was sitting on a bench on the opposite side of the track. I didn't have the beast at the time and was using my 70-200 f/2.8L IS lens. One of my favorite shots I took that year with track.