One of my co-workers has a grandson who is playing pop-warner football and before this season started I offered to come out to a game and capture him in action. Well this last Saturday was the day. I received a call from my co-worker that this was their last game, so Saturday morning I went to a nearby high school to get her grandson in action. This young man played offense as Center and defense and the nose guard. These first few shots are of him in action.

Now this is what it's all about. I just love shooting youth sports. I've had said in the pass that the higher you get with youth sports and especially into high school the better the action, but there is nothing better than watching the little ones play sports. They may not provide a photographer with the best action, but they do play with intensity and most importantly, they are just so darn cute. You just look at these little guys with those big helmets. Here are a few sportraits of a few players.

They look so little with those huge helmets on!
FYI: flag football starts here on Sat.
what a little ham!!! I'm just loving young yet playing a big man's game. Love it!!!
Great shots, as always. You are the master!
Even the little guys are intense, love what you capture!
Great sportraits too!
When you look at these you can see why I love shooting youth sports. These kids are great.
Thanks for the comments all
I had to come check out what my sports action hero has been shooting. Your images are just spectacular, Jim!
Great captures I know exactly what you mean with shooting youth sports though I have only done soccer so far It definately is starting to grow on me
Jim, I love these shots! These little guys are so cute!
Hey Jim! My name is anthony. i play for the carson colts. but i play jr. midget. I no some of the kids in these photos. #1 is max williams. well i have a game this saturday at Carson high school at 3:00.
i would love to see if you can come out and try to take pictures of me and my team.!im number 4. thank you.!
-Anthony Maioriello
my myspace is,
I love seeing pictures and videos of young athletes playing sports.
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