While I was at work on May 4, I received a call from one of my sisters, who lives locally, that my oldest sister, who lives in Missouri, was in the hospital with brain tumors. On Monday morning she wasn't doing to good and not being herself so her husband took her to the hospital. While at the hospital they did a cat scan and found four tumors in her brain. Two of the tumors were bleeding and putting a lot of pressure on her brain, which gave her the symptoms she had earlier in the day. They quickly took her into surgery to relieve the pressure. Once the doctors were in they discovered she had four brain tumors, with two of them bleeding. They took care of the bleeding and removed two of them initially. Based on what the doctors saw they knew that she was in the later stages of cancer and more than likely had additional tumors in her body. A MRI was scheduled for a full body scan to determine how far the cancer has spread. This MRI only verified how bad it was. They found she had tumors throughout her body and gave her only a about six months to live.
This all happened over a two week period. Once the pressure on her brain was relieved, she improved greatly and began to feel much better. This didn't change the status of her cancer, which the doctors put in stage four.
After various meetings with her doctors, it was determined that they will only deal with the tumors in her brain so that she could function normally and hopefully live the remaining part of her life in somewhat comfort. My sister didn't want any treatment that would limit her quality of life and cause her to be sick. Her mind set was that if she is going to pass in the near future, then she would enjoy the remaining part of her life as best she could.
Now her and her husband own a trucking business and made plans to take a load out her so they can visit with family members out here in Southern California. Knowing she would only be out for the day I took the day off so that I could spend some quality time with her. So all three of my sisters and mom went to a local park to take some nice shots. I didn't want the last pictures taken of her to be of someone dying and sickly. I also didn't want your normal family shots taken in the living room.
We had a great time and simply enjoyed ourselves. I've always had a nack for making my sisters laugh and really let loose during the day. I wanted her to enjoy herself and keep her mind off of all the things going on. So here are some shots to share with you all. This first group of shots is of my oldest sister, who had a great time.

Here are my younger sisters, who really helped out and kept the moment very enjoyable. It was great spending this time with all of my sisters.

Now what good would it be if I didn't join in on the fun and have my pictures taken as well. So here is me just being myself and a couple of shots with my sister.
A personal note to you Vicky, I am so proud of you right now on how strong you've been throughout this ordeal. I love you and will see you soon.