"Jim Arqilla Long Beach Relays"
Had another track meet at Long Beach State. This was a inventational meet and only the top two from each school was invited. My son was invited for fresh / soph shot put and discuss. As in most meets there's a lot of hurry up and wait, so while waiting for my son's events I took various pictures of the athlete's in action. I brought both my 70-200 f/2.8L and 300 f/2.8L. For these meets I really need to bring my 24-70 f/2.8L as well. There's so much going on and so many opportunities to use each lens, but what do I do, I keep the 300 on and deal with the tightness. But man, do I love the end results.
I was able to get a few shots of the runners, boy / girls pole vaulting, boys / girls high jump, and of course my son throwing the shot put and discuss. So enjoy.
I'll start off with some shots of my son. He is continuing his domination with the shot put by placing first. Last year as a freshmen he took second in the Moore League and this year he looks have a huge desire to take first in the league. Our school doesn't run a JV team, so he is throwing the shot put and discuss for the fresh / soph team. As for the discuss, he still doesn't have his throw down. He should be placing in the top three by the end of the year, but for now he took 5th.
My boy


Girls Pole Vaulting

Boys Pole Vaulting


High Jump

Nice shots as always Homer!!! My lens is shouting, "use me, use me!!". So I took her out and got her warmed with some family shots just to get her ready for some softball action. Keep the shots coming....these are great!!!
Thanks Denise, you'll have to share some softball picturs. Thanks for coming by.
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