Boys track has started for middle schools in Long Beach and I went out to shoot some action of their practice meet. I was only able to stay long enough to capture some shots of the long jump and high jump as I promised my wife that I would help her loading up girls scout cookies at the warehouse. Next week will be their League meet and then followed by the All-City track meet the following week. So here are a few shots to share.
This first group of shots of the high jump were taken with my 300 f/2.8. I was standing across the track to give me some distance, but I love the depth of this lens and use it as often as I can.

Jim, that last shot is so cool! The expression on the kids face is priceless. Thanks for sharing your lens experiences, too. Nice to hear the issues and resolutions when confronted with a challenge.
I'm hoping to capture track for the first time this year. They start soon here, as soon as I can get basketball season behind me. Do you mind sharing your EXIF settings that were used on this series. They are great as is all of your work!
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