This Saturday I was given the honor to take pictures of a family friend who was getting his Eagle Scout. This is a very special moment in a scouts life and I was excited to be a part of it and capture this special moment for this young man and his family.
Here his dad is placing his Eagle Scout patch on.
This is his Scout Master placing his Eagle Scout Scarf on.
It is tradition that the troop salute a scout as he enters the boy scout troop and as he leaves the troop. Here is a shot of his troop and fellow boy scouts saluting the new Eagle Scout.
Jacob, let me congratulate you on this achievement. This is something you should be very proud of cherish forever. Thank you for letting me be a part of it.
That is so cool. Great shots too! I hope Riley wants to be in Brownies or Girl Scouts or something like that - I know those sort of groups instill great things.
Even stepping out of your element and photographing something different your images still look stunning.Nice Job
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