My son, pictured below, had his first practice track meet for the season. This was also his first meet on the varsity squad. The weather went from dark clouds overhead to partially cloudy and then back to the clouds with some rain, which I was ready for. I spent a good amount of money on my gear so when it came to buying rain protection for it I didn't buy cheap. I currently use a rain cover from Aqua Tech that I just love. I'll have to take a picture of it and post it later.
My son was throwing the shot put and discus, but the time he threw the discus it was getting dark and since I'll get more than enough shots of him throwing the discus during the season I wasn't too concerned with getting some shots. I did take some of him throwing the shot put though.
Prior to throwing he will look out above the horizon and pick a spot to focus on and throw to. This helps him focus and concentrate on throwing straight.

Jim, I've got to be honest. I have never been much of a sports person (except for dance of course)... but your images just captivate me. I find myself wandering over here all the time. I enjoy seeing sports through your photographs so much more than watching them on television. You are truly gifted! You are able to capture those things that link all athletes together.. passion, determination, and strength!
These photos are awesome! You make it seem so easy!
Awesome as always, but the ones where they are jumping over the hurdles are my favorite!
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