I knew my sister wasn't doing good and shortly after midnight I received the call that my sister's fight with cancer was over. She had passed peacefully in her sleep. I laid in bed feeling numb. I knew this day was coming and not sure how I felt. I felt a bit selfish for not grieving more or even crying. I must have fallen asleep at some point as my alarm clock woke me for work. I knew that I wasn't going to go in today as I wanted to spend some time with my other two sisters, but before I do that I felt I had to put something down in writing and share with others my thoughts and pictures.
So here I am sitting in my favorite chair working on my laptop. I have cartoons on in the background while I try to put my thoughts together. What should I say or even do and while these thoughts run through my mind I start to cry.
We had a normal child hood like most kids, but as Vicky went into high school things changed in our home. I won't get into that here, I will only say that Vicky ended up leaving with her boyfriend and future husband to Missouri. I will only see her a few times over the next 25 years as we grew somewhat apart. We did not maintain a close sister / brother relationship and now that she is gone I am regretting that we didn't talk more. That is why the time we spent together recently during her visits and our vacation to Havasu mean so much and I will always hold close to my heart.
Vicky, know that I love you and will miss you dearly. I know that you have found peace and are being taken care of.

Shortly after hearing that Vicky had cancer our mom and dad went out to visit with her.

Vicky was able to come out to California a few times and during one of those times I was able to get some nice portriats of her.
Sept 24, 1962 - Sept 25, 2009