Ever since I bought the 300 f/2.8 I have used it as much as I can and try to use it whenever possible. This was a practice meet so why not bring the 300 and practice with it. Could I use a beast like that for a local track meet? The answer is yes and no. With that kind of lens you have to keep your distance, which leaves a lot of room for people to jump in front of you. This happened while trying to get some shots of the long jumpers. I did get a few but not as much as would have like to get, so maybe for the next meet I'll bring both the 70-200 f/2.8 and the beast (300 f/2.8).
All of these shots were taken at aperture priority (f/2.8). I used an ISO of 800 for the shot put but dropped it back down to 100 - 200 for the rest of the meet.

No fair, I need to send you some snow, lol!
I LOVE the pole vaulting shots! Track must be sooo fun to shoot!
Thanks Lisa, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have sports year round. I hate being out here in So. Cal, but the weather is great for what I do.
Now the kid in pic 2 has A LOT of hair! I would totally grow a fro like that if I could pull it off ;) I have lots of hair but not that much, lol. probably get a lot of looks at 41 yrs old too, lol.
I love the 4th shot!
Yeah Ken, I really need to show you some shots of my son when he picked his hair out.
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