About Me

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Long Beach, California, United States
Welcome to my blog. Looking through my posts you will find that I love and have a passion for photography and although my expertise so to speak is in Sports Action, I have been getting into wildlife and senior portraits. No matter what I'm shooting I want to bring my client the best possible shot I can and give them / you a photograph that you will cherish for a lifetime. If your looking for someone to capture your child in action, to show the intensity and emotion in which your child plays, look no further. Just drop me a line (e-mail) at homerkenpo@aol.com. I cover most areas in Southern Califoria.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Time for Goodby - Havasu

Before I go on about this group of shots I need to back track a bit. Some of my followers will remember when I posted some portraits I took of my oldest sister, who was diagnosed with cancer, back in May. Well, as of today things have gotten worse for my sister, but before I tell you her current situation I want to talk about the time we spent together at Lake Havasu.

Every year around August my family, along with my two younger sister's families, go to Lake Havasu for some fun in the sun and some great family time. This year my oldest sister, who lives in Missouri was able to come down and spend the week with us in Havasu. What makes this so special is that four months ago my oldest sister was given three months to live. Back in early May my sister was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, which was throughout her body. From what I understand the only place the cancer wasn't present was in her Kidneys and Liver. Her out look on life couldn't have been better, which has helped her to continue to this day. She opted to live her remaining life as best she could and not have her treatment affect the quality of her life. Throughout these last few months she and her husband have been able to make their way out here to Southern California a couple of times for a quick visit. She and her husband own a trucking business and have been able to aquire loads to the So. Cal area. These visits were very quick, one being for two days and the other only for a couple of hours, so when we found out that she was going to make it out to Havasu with us, we were very excited.

My sister has a great positive additude, but the bottom line is her cancer is in it's final stage and she is refusing medical treatment (cemo), chosing to live her life, however short that might be.

We arrived at Havasu on Sunday, August 2nd, and she arrived the following Monday. She was able to stay with us until the following Saturday night. Her cheeks appeared slightly swollen due to steriods she was taking to reduce swelling of brain tumors. She had a great time and I couldn't have asked for better time spent together. I've always been one to joke around her to make her laugh and relax. I don't remember seeing her so happy.

With that all said and done, let me share some shots of my sister. She knows where she stands in life and death and has decided to live rather than just sit and wait. Look at these shots, you won't see someone waiting for the end to come, but rather someone looking forward for another day and what it brings.

This first shot was taken shortly after she arrived to our beach site. Simply a candid shot of her taking it all in.

My sister and I. Here I'm doing what I do, having fun and bringing a smile to her beautiful face.

All three of my sisters, eyebrows not included (sorry sis).

During one of the days we decided not to go to the lake and spend it at the pool. Here is just a water play I took of my sister. Just a fun relaxful day.

My sister with her three niece's. My daughter is to my sisters immediate right.

She has never been on a tube ride before and I was very surprised when she agreed to go out on the tube. It was like watching a kid on the tube for the first time. You could just see the excitement and enjoyment in her face. I simply loved taking these shots of her. Since this was her first time she rode with her two sisters.

This is a look I'm very familer with. I was doing some silly pet trick to get her attention for this shot.

Heading out for a nice boat ride.

Loved this shot of her and one of her sisters just relaxing on the tupe talking as it floated near the shore.

Her and her husband, who has stood by her side throughout this ordeal.

Yep, all three of my sisters.

And now one of all of us.

This was taken on the last night in Havasu. She just looked so happy and in love.

Just a shot of her and her husband walking back to my mom's room, but I think this shot really stands for so much more. I don't know where life will take us and I don't know when she will be called upon to leave us. On that night when I walked her and her husband back to their truck to say goodby, I came to a realization that this could be the last time I see her. I'm happy that we had this opportunity to spend such a wonderful time together and I was able to experience it with you.

Vickie, I may not be able to be there with you, but know that I love you!


kymberli q. said...

I am tearing up reading this, Jim.

Vickie, if you are reading this, I thank you for giving me the reminder to live each day to it's fullest and not to sit on the sidelines and watch. You are an inspiration to "healthy" individuals like me that can sometimes take things for granted. You look so beautiful in these pictures and yes, you are beautiful on the outside, but I have to think that some of it radiates because of your attitude and desire to live life the way you want and choose to live it. May God bless you in your journey and again, thank you for your reminder to me today. I hope for nothing but great days ahead for you!!

Jim, thank you for sharing this. I wish you and your family the best.

Jennifer Walsh said...

Beautiful, just beautiful Jim. Thanks so much for sharing your gorgeous sister with us. May God bless her and keep her always. She is a true warrior!

Al Quackenbush said...

I am right there with my wife on this one, Jim. As I sit here and read this I have tears in my eyes. I am not much of a crier, but this makes feel like I have had the opportunity to "get to know" your sister through this. I have tears in my eyes because this shows the love you all have for one another and I love her positive outlook on life. I have to say that I am so thankful for everything in this life.

Vickie, you are inspiring. Just appreciating each day forward makes me smile and look forward to mine with my family. You are in our prayers and please tell your husband that I am praying for him, too. I cannot imagine what either of you are going through, but he has shown me strength, love and commitment in a new way. God bless you both!

mousie said...

let me just start off with this... i forgive you for posting that picture of my with no eye brows...haha..
i could not have said it better myself.. we were are lucky to have eachother.. we take for granite that we will always be there for eachother.. never knowing that we will eventually lose each other as the years pass..i can honestly say i didn't realize that it would be so soon....
love you bro,

Anonymous said...

These photos and your story is so touching, I was smiling through my tears. You have an incredible sister and an amazing family. The moments you so beautifully captured here will be remembered and cherished forever.

Unknown said...

These a great photos. Thanks for sharing. I pray for your family daily. God bless and just know our thoughts and prayers are with you. The Villeneuve family.

Caprice said...

Nice job dear, well done.
Love you, Buns